Friday, February 18, 2011

got this one

Theres an old couple who wrote everything down to help them remember. One day as they were watching tv, the old lady asked the guy,
"Honey, would you get me some ice cream?"

The old man replied, "sure" and got up to get the ice cream.
"You better write it down," the old lady reminded him.
"I got this one," he replied.

As the old man started towards the kitchen, the lady shouted, "would you put some of that chocolate sauce that i like?"

"Sure," the old man said.
"You better write it down," the old lady told him.
"I got his one," he assured her.

When he made it to the kitchen, the old lady made one last request.
"Would you put some of the whip cream that i like."
"Sure," the old man said.
"You better write it down," she suggested.
"I got this one," he told her.

Fifteen minutes later, the old man placed a plate with two strips of bacon, and two eggs in front of his wife. She looked at him and quipped, 'i told you to write it down, you forgot my toast!"

I received my first "fan mail" from a Ms Renee yesterday. Hope you like the joke, and keep your expectations low.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

morning thought

What would suck more?

1. To get on jeopardy and not make the final round because you can't seem to get out of negative territory?


2. Go back to work after the show airs to find out that google has taken over your role as the go to person for answers to the crossword?