Tuesday, April 20, 2010

checking in

I had a guy tell me once that I am his worst nemesis, and that was before I started dating him. I was definitely not watching the signs on that one! I don't really have much to expand on that.

My friend Maria Moesch (I seem to attract the Marias of the world, so I thought it was worth noting) suggested that I should have a "web presence."

"What the hell am I going to write about?"
"Anything Han, a thought...write about the cafe, about your parents," Maria with the 13 year old daughter (yup, we're still on the same Maria) said.

Anyhow, my mind is blanker than usual today...but I did manage to dig up that tidbit about the whole nemesis thing.

1 comment:

  1. Maria's friend checking in to say, keep writing, nice job! BTW, I attract the Kates of the world.
